Confidence in God’s sovereignty in the lives of people should also keep us from becoming resentful and bitter when we are treated unjustly or maliciously by others. Bitterness usually stems not so much from the other person’s actions as from the effects of those actions on our lives.
- Jerry Bridges
(Source: Trusting God)
Of course a lot of other factors contribute towards a bitter spirit, but without doubt at the root of much bitterness are expectations not met. The to-do-list in our hands do match the to-do-list in other people's hands. When we fail to rest in God's sovereign control over all to-do-lists we seek to wrestle control from others in any way we can. And we find ourselves failing, we begin to resent and grow bitter. A reflection that God is sovereign over every detail of our lives is indeed the right antidote for bitterness.