Travis Bradberry gives six things having the phone with you in a meeting communicates about you: 1. Lack of respect. It says you consider your phone to be more important than the conversation or topic at hand. 2. Lack of attention. It communicates that you are unable to stay focused on one thing at a time. 3. Lack of listening. You are not practicing active listening when you are with your phone. So no one around you feels heard. 4. Lack of power. You are like a modern-day Pavlovian dog who responds to the whims of others through the buzz of your phone. 5. Lack of self-awareness. You don't understand how ridiculous your behavior looks to other people. 6. Lack of social awareness. You don't understand how your behavior affects those around you. From an article written by Travis Bradberry ( Linkedin Pulse ). Apparently researchers conducted a USA nationwide survey of 554 full-time working professionals earning above $30K and wor...
Thinking Deeply about Life and Faith