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Showing posts from May, 2023

Today I Learned

The English reformer John Hopper was imprisoned from September 1553 and killed in February 1555. Just before Hopper was martyred for his faith in Christ, Sir Anthony Kingston, whom he had once offended by rebuking his sins, came to see him, and begged him, with much affection and many tears, to think about  his safety and recant.  Kingston said to Hopper, "Consider, that life is sweet, and death is bitter. Your life hereafter may do [much more] good."   Hopper answered : "The life to come is more sweet, and the death to come is more bitter”. After seeing that Hoper was not going to change his mind, Kingston left him with bitter tears, telling him, "I thank God that I came to know you, because God appointed you to call me to be His child. By your good instruction, when I was before a fornicator and adulterer, God has taught me to detest and forsake the same”.  John Hooper afterwards said that this meeting with Kingston had drawn from him more tears than he...